What Should You Know Before Buying an OTC Hearing Aids

What Should You Know Before Buying an OTC Hearing Aids

What are OTC Hearing Aids?

OTC is the abbreviation for Over-the-counter, which refers to the hearing aids that can be bought directly by consumers who use the hearing aids. OTC hearing aids are new and popular compared with traditional prescription hearing aids which can be accessed through ENT doctors or clinics. OTC hearing aids are pre-assembled and can be bought directly from online / offline stores like Walmart or Klearhearing.com. No hearing tests needed. They can be adjusted on your own to fit your hearing conditions, just like a multi-functional Bluetooth earpiece.


Who Can Buy OTC Hearing Aids?

If you’re 18 years old and suffering from mild or moderate hearing loss, then you’re the target customer of OTC hearing aids. OTC hearing aids are designed for adults only, kids should come see a doctor and get prescription hearing aids instead.


Meanwhile, people with severe hearing loss should NOT buy OTC hearing aids, but to go see a doctor for help. How do you know if you should see a doctor?

  • Your ear has a birth defect or an unusual shape. Your ear was injured or deformed in an accident.
  • You saw blood, pus, or fluid coming out of your ear in the past 6 months
  • Your ear feels painful or uncomfortable
  • You have a lot of ear wax, or you think something could be in your ear
  • You get really dizzy or have a feeling of spinning or swaying (called vertigo)
  • Your hearing changed suddenly in the past 6 months
  • Your hearing changes: it gets worse then gets better again
  • You have worse hearing in one ear
  • You hear ringing or buzzing in only one ear



How Much Do OTC Hearing Aids Cost?

Generally speaking, OTC hearing aids cost much lower than prescription hearing aids. The prices of OTC hearing aids varied from $100 to $1000, while the prescription hearing aids normally cost $3000 to $5000. If you’re on a very tight budget, you may try Klear OTC hearing aids online.


Where Can I Buy OTC Hearing Aids?

OTC hearing aids are sold in both online and offline stores, without the need for a medical exam, prescription, or a fitting adjustment by an audiologist. If you feel interested in OTC hearing aids but not sure how they work, we highly recommend you to try some in a Walmart near you. If you’re on a tight budget and looking for affordable hearing solutions, then buying OTC hearing aids online should meet your need. Take Klearhearing.com as an example, you can place an order online and the hearing aids will be shipped to your door free of shipping. What’s best is that, KlearHearing offers 30-day free trial. You can return the hearing aids and get your money back if you’re not satisfied with the hearing aids in 30 days.

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