How do I know if I need hearing aids?

How do I know if I need hearing aids?

There’re millions of people suffering from hearing loss, yet a lot of them are not aware that they need hearing aids. So how do people know if they need hearing aids? Here’re some early warning signs.


Signs of Hearing Loss

  • Watch the TV or listen to radio in higher volume than others
  • Always need people to repeat what they said
  • Having difficult hearing people in a crowded place like in the church or in a supermarket
  • Always feel people are mumbling or speaking too softly
  • Hear ringing in your ears
  • Have problem understanding the dialogues in movies or theaters
  • Have problem understanding people when they don’t face you
  • Seldom hear the doorbell or the phone ring
  • Cannot hear clearly when on the phone
  • Have problem engaging in conversations when in a group
  • Become more withdrawn and less sociable


Why can I hear people but not understand them?

If you always find yourself have problem understanding people although you can hear what they just said, then I’m afraid you might have hidden hearing loss. In normal conversation, speech might sound loud enough but lacks clarity so your ability to understand what is said is compromised. This problem is more noticeable when you are listening in background noise or when there is greater distance between you and the talker.


There are two main types of hearing loss: conductive, where sounds cannot pass from the outer ear to the inner ear (ear wax is one cause); or sensorineural, where there is damage to the tiny hair cells or to the auditory nerve. For years, sensorineural hearing loss was taken to mean damaged hair cells, which are what allow us to detect pin-drop sounds, says Professor McAlpine.

These hair cells may wear out with age, but they can also become damaged by noise exposure. Sometimes it's just a temporary battering - your ability to detect faint sounds may be impaired for a few days after a concert, say, but it returns to normal as the hair cells recover.


How will hearing aids help me?

Hearing aids cannot heal your hearing loss, if that’s what you’re looking for. Hearing aids is designed to amplify sounds in a particular range of pitches and transmit the sound into your ears so you can hear it properly. With hearing aids, you don’t need to ask people to speak up anymore, and you will hear the doorbells and phone rings again, just like before. Do not neglect your suffering, get help with hearing aids and get better with your life.

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